List of Bio Fertilizer Products

A biofertilizer is a substance which contains living micro-organisms which, when applied to seeds, plant surfaces, or soil, colonize the rhizosphere or the interior of the plant and promotes growth by increasing the supply or availability of primary nutrients to the host plant.

Maharaja Gold

Bio Fertilizer

Mycorrhizal Bio Fertilizer

Dosage: 4 Kg per acre

Packing: 4 Kg Pouch

Earo Potash

Bio Fertilizer


Potash Mobilizer

Dosage: 4 Kg per acre

Packing: 4 Kg Pouch

Bio Zink

Bio Fertilizer


Packing: 500ml, 1 ltr

Bio Nitrogen

Bio Fertilizer


Packing: 500ml, 1 ltr

Bio Silica

Bio Fertilizer

Silica Sol. Bacteria

Packing: 500ml, 1 ltr

Bio Potash

Bio Fertilizer


Packing: 500ml, 1 ltr

Bio Phosphate

Bio Fertilizer

Bacillus Megaterium

Packing: 500ml, 1 ltr

Bio Nitrogen

Bio Fertilizer


Packing: 500ml, 1 ltr

Earo Basu

Bio Fertilizer

Bacillus subtillis

Packing: 500ml, 1 ltr

Earo Tricho

Bio Fertilizer


Packing: 500ml, 1 ltr

Earo Pseudo

Bio Fertilizer


Packing: 500ml, 1 ltr